Pairry Chiang
Asian Meeting Designer
Pairry Chiang has been passionate about events since her student time. Although she started her career as a sales manager in manufacturing industry after her master study in event management, this gave her a different perspective on planning events.
Not for long, she came back to her home country and started her business, Asia Concentrate Corporation, organizing events with her sister in 2014. With her sales background and event knowledge, she devotes herself to promoting Taiwan as a destination for business events.
While her business became stable, she found business meetings drifting into a conventional pattern and tried to find a solution. It made her a Meeting Designer and introduced this system into the Asian market by Watermelon Camp, a training program for event planners. In a couple of years, she and her Dutch partners developed a new system for education, the Education Design.
Now, Pairry and her partners set up a new company, Orange Gibbon Ltd., to assist not only organizations but also educators in better face-to-face communication. Orange Gibbon offers a 360 degrees package of services to create change and increase meeting effectiveness and efficiency. This includes: the application of selected formats to specific sessions during meetings and events; full-fledged meeting design; change programmes for day-to-day internal meetings; facilitation and moderation. Where needed, we work with local, external partners for ancillary services, such logistics.